Enrichment considerations for young and geriatric animals
Group tasks page

Observation task:
Which part/s of the body do you think is currently working hardest?
Do you think any parts of the body are currently being neglected?
Do you see any signs of lameness or discomfort in the animal?
How do you think the duration of this feeding behaviour may impact (positively or negatively) impact the animal?
How does this activity relate to behaviours you would expect in the wild?
Do you think this feeding technique is an option for consistent, long-term use?
What adaptations could you make to make it more accessible for younger or older animals?
What behavioural implications do you think it could have?
We hope you have enjoyed the workshop today, to find out more about your current events visit here, or to find out more about our bookable/inhouse lameness and enrichment workshops please visit here