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Veterinary consent


All veterinary physiotherapists work with veterinary consent to treat injured animals or those with health problems; this is vital because we must work within the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966. The process involves getting a consent form completed by your registered vet, which gives us permission to assess and treat the animal. Thankfully, this is a simple process.


Veterinary consent is not required for an animal that only requires maintenance treatment e.g. a sporting animal that does not have an obvious illness or injury. In this case no referral form is required, however, if during assessment an issue is discovered, the session will end and the animal will be referred back to the vet for assessment. 

How to book

Veterinary consent form

How to book a session (for owners):


Step one: Download the veterinary consent form (Word document or PDF - links above), fill in the owner and animal details, and the details of your veterinary clinic. If you do not have access to a desktop/laptop computer, complete the online form at the bottom of this page, instead.


Step two: If you have downloaded and completed a form, return the form to us via email (, and detail any preferences for your session/visit; we may then call you if we require more details before forwarding the form to your vet to gain consent from the registered surgery. If you have completed the online form, you can skip this step, but we will call you to discuss your animal's condition before forwarding the form to your registered Veterinary Surgery for Vet consent.


Step three: We will contact you and confirm a time and date for your first session. First sessions tend to last between 90 minutes and 2 hours, as this will include a full initial assessment and treatment. 


After your first session you will receive a full report detailing clinical findings, treatment administered and exercise prescription. This report will also be sent to your veterinary surgery to allow them to update the animal's veterinary records.




How to refer a patient (for vets):


To refer a patient, simply download one of the veterinary consent forms above, complete the client details and clinical history sections, and return the form via email to We will then contact the client to arrange the session, and email the clinical findings and assessment report to your clinic once the session has occurred.






  • Small animal (dogs/cats/rabbits) assessment and treatment – £55 

  • Exotic / Zoo assessment and treatment - See Zoo consultancy page


Group rates available for:​


  • Multiple dogs/cats/rabbits in a single home/setting - £45 per animal 

  • Zoo day rate - Zoo consultancy page


Areas covered and travel expenses:


  • Exotics and Zoo: worldwide via online consultancy. Zoo cases seen in person throughout the UK

  • ​Horses and small animals: Cheshire, North Wales and MerseysideNo charge for travel under 15 miles from Chester. Over 15 miles, travel is charged at 45p per mile.



For further information visit our FAQ page.


Online booking form

To book a Veterinary Physiotherapy session on mobile phones

Please tick to agree to the terms and conditions:

Thanks for submitting your form. We will be in touch soon.

Bookin form
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Shackleton Animal Physiotherapy LLP, trading as Shackleton Veterinary Physiotherapy

Upton, Chester, CH2 1HE

United Kingdom


Working with specialist cases throughout the UK and worldwide



Tel:  07534412517

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